Lunes, 20 de Enero de 2025
Más de 1.800 suministros fueron verificados durante el operativo Alberdi 1, llevado a cabo por la Administración Nacional de Electricidad (ANDE) del 13 al 17 de enero en las ciudades de Alberdi, Villa Franca y Villa Oliva. Este operativo se enmarca dentro del Plan Maestro de Gestión y Control para la Reducción de las Pérdidas Eléctricas y la morosidad en el país, centrándose en esta ocasión en el departamento de Ñeembucú.
Durante este periodo, se verificaron un total de 1.841 suministros en baja tensión, de los cuales 48 presentaban conexiones directas irregulares, mientras que 22 fueron intervenidos por diversas irregularidades detectadas. En el caso de los suministros en media tensión, se inspeccionaron 33, identificándose irregularidades en 4 de ellos, que fueron intervenidos de manera inmediata.
Todos los casos de media tensión con irregularidades han sido denunciados ante el Ministerio Público, conforme a lo estipulado en la Ley N° 7.300/2024, que protege la integridad del sistema eléctrico y permite la incautación y comiso de bienes asociados a este tipo de delitos.
El operativo contó con la participación activa de 15 cuadrillas y 40 funcionarios, quienes realizaron tareas de verificación, intervención y atención al cliente. Además, se ofreció a través de jornadas de Atención al Cliente realizadas en los municipios mencionados, la posibilidad de fraccionar la deuda acumulada en hasta 60 cuotas sin intereses, facilitando así la regularización tanto de suministros en mora como de usuarios con conexiones clandestinas.
Con estas acciones, la ANDE reafirma su compromiso de garantizar un suministro eléctrico seguro y eficiente, combatiendo las pérdidas eléctricas y promoviendo la regularización entre los usuarios.
What is Tony Robbins’ Net Worth?
As of 2024, Tony Robbins boasts an impressive net worth of approximately $600 million. Yes, you read that correctly—six hundred million dollars. But if you’re wondering how he’s built such a staggering fortune, let’s break it down.
Tony Robbins isn’t lounging around, living off past successes. Far from it. He’s a relentless entrepreneur with diverse income streams. His flagship events, like “Unleash the Power Within” and “Date with Destiny”, are some of his primary revenue generators. These seminars aren’t just motivational gatherings; they’re transformative experiences that people are willing to pay a premium for. And trust me, he’s packing those venues with attendees eager to change their lives.
The Hustle Behind Tony Robbins’ Net Worth
Tony Robbins is no ordinary businessman. His wealth is the result of years of hard work, multiple ventures, and strategic investments. Here’s where his income comes from:
- Seminars and Workshops: Robbins is the undisputed king of personal development events, charging top dollar for his life-changing seminars.
- Best-Selling Books: His books, filled with practical wisdom, are sold worldwide, contributing significantly to his earnings.
- Businesses and Investments: Beyond his personal brand, Robbins is an entrepreneur with a staggering portfolio of 33 companies. These businesses collectively generate over $1 billion in annual revenue.
Despite his massive earnings, Tony isn’t hoarding his wealth. Much of it is reinvested into his companies, ensuring his empire continues to grow. His ability to diversify his income streams and constantly innovate is what truly sets him apart.
Curious to learn more? Check out this detailed breakdown of Tony Robbins net worth for an in-depth look at how he’s built his fortune. You can also explore What is Tony Robbins net worth? to discover how much he’s really making in 2024.
It’s clear that Tony Robbins’ wealth isn’t just about dollars and cents—it’s a testament to his relentless drive, entrepreneurial spirit, and ability to inspire millions. If you’re still curious, Tony Robbins net worth offers even more insights into his financial journey.